# Markdown Editor Basic useful feature list: - Ctrl+S / Cmd+S to save the file - Ctrl+Shift+S / Cmd+Shift+S to choose to save as Markdown or HTML - Drag and drop a file into here to load it - File contents are saved in the URL so you can share files ## Examples ### Lists Here's an example of a list: - Unordered list item 1 - Unordered list item 2 with **bold** text - Unordered list item 3 with *italicized* text 1. Ordered list item 1 1. Ordered list item 2 (note that numbering doesn't matter) 1. Ordered list item 3 (note that numbering doesn't matter) ### Code Here's some example code. You can used `fixed width formatting inline` with backticks. ``` library(readr) library(dplyr) read_csv("some_data.csv") %>% group_by(somevariable) %>% summarize(mean=mean(x)) ``` ## More info See also the [markdown reference guide](http://bioconnector.org/markdown). The source for this application is [on GitHub](https://github.com/bioconnector/markdown-editor). Originally forked from [jbt/markdown-editor](https://github.com/jbt/markdown-editor).
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